Hello and welcome!

My name is Melanie Chadwick, although most people call me Mel.

I’m an illustrator by trade, an artist by design and hopefully you’ll be able to catch a glimpse of what it’s like to live, work and create on these rocky shores through this Substack space.

I love to keep sketchbooks and draw on location and this is most likely what I will be sharing with you here.

That’s me in my sketching gear!

Why subscribe?

Substack is the place where I can draw-together (no pun intended) and share the many strands that make up my creative life.

I chose to call it ‘Seasalt and Serpentine’ as it’s a reflection of the place in which I live, on the Lizard Peninsula which influences and inspires me.

I am also a Christian and whilst I may not write about theology or spirituality, it may be helpful to know that my faith underpins my life and creativity.

What and when can you expect to hear from me?

From March 2024 (until then you can view almost everything I have written since March 2023)

As a visitor browsing you can view any of my public posts without having to subscribe or you can choose to follow to stay in the loop.

However if you like what you see why not consider becoming a free subscriber?

As a free subscriber you can expect to receive monthly:

  • a round-up of what I get up to each month which includes a favourite sketchbook spread, weather report and friendly chat

  • reviews and announcements of new work, courses and products inspired by the Lizard landscape

As a paying subscriber you can expect:

Testimonials from recent subscribers

Whether you are a free or paid sub I really appreciate your support.

Subscribe to Seasalt and Serpentine

Dispatches coming to you from the wilds of the Lizard Peninsula. Expect news and announcements on illustration projects, exhibitions and courses and tips and advice on my sketching practice and process.


Freelance illustrator, artist based in Cornwall. You'll most likely find me sketching and exploring the Lizard peninsula.