Great post. Artists are never paid for the work and creativity they give. Your accounting shows that very well. I wish people valued art more. Beautiful gallery with beautiful work by both of you

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Thanks Suzanne

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Melanie Chadwick

Thanks for this behind-the -scenes look. It’s so helpful to understand the big picture, and the cost/benefit considerations both financially and otherwise. I’m glad you’ll do it again - it sounds like a complex and wonderful part of being an artist.

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Thanks Trish

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Thanks for that concise breakdown of the disconnect in expectations, especially since you set up, staffed, and broke down the show yourselves. Watching your video, I found your work surprisingly underpriced in my frame of reference. In my part of the US, galleries charge a "consideration fee" and a commission of up to 60% of the work. Most work goes unsold. I don't understand a world where a cup of fast food coffee is $3 and yet a $3 art sticker direct from a working artist is "too expensive." I only hope there are better days ahead. We have to keep creating and our audiences will find us!

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Thanks for sharing what galleries charge in your area Terri- wow 60% I know of galleries that charge 40% but that sounds very high. Thanks for your encouragement too.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Melanie Chadwick

Love how honest you are with this! Interesting to read what goes into it all, and always so refreshing when people share more about the money side of things.

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Thankyou Katy

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Melanie Chadwick

I’ve been a “selling/exhibiting “ artist for the past 15-20 years and know your angst over others thinking you are charging unrealistic prices. Just know you are definitely not! Often I believe the general public thinks we just whip out art. They don’t know to consider how much we paid in expenses not to mention the cost of workshops and our education. In addition they do not understand our creative process and the energy and time it takes to put together an exhibition. Keep up your good work. You are such an inspiration to me and have had a very positive influence on my art. Thank you!!

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Thankyou Elizabeth for your kind words that is really encouraging to hear.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Melanie Chadwick

Argh! That comment about "a get rich quick scheme" is so rude and certainly reflects the speaker's ignorance about how much work goes into producing art, and showing art, not to mention all the costs involved! It is this sort of attitude that has me not showing my own art this year as I've found it very demoralising to put so much effort in and not see any return...not even a kind word for my work. I'm sorry you had to deal with this at your beautiful show. The pictures are gorgeous, and all the work looks so lovely in that venue. Congratulations for doing it!!!

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I'm sorry to hear about your experiences Leahbeth I hope that you can keep going and find a way to share your work.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Melanie Chadwick

Thankyou for your openness and honesty. I have been finding sales of medium and larger sized pieces much reduced over the last 6 months. I see that I am not alone but hope that as with all tides this will turn. Seeing you all work together was very inspiring. I only wish Inhad been closer to visit. All the best Luna

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Thanks Luna, glad to be able to share and I hope helps others in similar position.

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It’s Art Math! I think “that’s too expensive” is something artists and makers hear all the time. I always feel like it isn’t expensive... just maybe not everyone’s priority and that’s ok. I love the idea of letting artists let the space... what a brilliant thing to do.

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Yes! I guess everyone feels they have an opinion on art to give whether you want it or not!

It has been a valuable experience to do anyway.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Melanie Chadwick

In my limited experience people who say things like that are not creative so have no idea of the number of hours involved in making a picture nor the thousands of hours spent in practice over the years to get to that point. Also they don’t consider art to be work because it’s something a lot of people have a ‘gift’ for or just enjoy as a hobby. But it IS your employment and therefore you must charge a fair price of hours as well as materials which aren’t cheap. I’ve heard artists saying that sometimes they get asked by family or friends to do a picture for free simply they are good at what they do and it’s easy for them but those same people wouldn’t dream of asking any other professional to do the same. And if they were asked to do their job for free they’d certainly tell you where to go! I’m sorry you had to endure that level of ignorance but I hope that all the other visitors really appreciated the work you all put in. I wish I could have visited because it looked amazing.....maybe I’ll get to the next one!

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Thanks Jennie! It is funny what some people expect from artists but wouldn't from another professional.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Melanie Chadwick

Sadly, those ladies were just ignorant! Firstly, they clearly are not aware of any of the hours and hours of work that go into a piece of art - let alone any of the business side of marketing or setting up a show (how much time just to carefully wrap, transport & slog boxes back n' forth?!)

I am glad that you had great feedback in general and hope that the ignorant comments will not mar the experience for too long. Your set up in the gallery looked gorgeous....I only wish I could have been there in person (I am, alas, across the pond :)

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Thankyou Susan for your encouragament and kind comments. Although it does sting when you receive those type of comments I realise it's part and parcel of the life of an artist.

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Such a great post - thank you so much for sharing your insights!

In my former life as a glass artist selling my handmade work I participated in many local open studio events in both my own workshop and in larger collectives in other premises, and as you say, it is the absolute antithesis of a 'get rich quick' scheme! I'm sorry that those ladies had commented in that way, and really impressed that you've given the experience such a positive spin by doing the whole money breakdown here to show exactly what's involved.

As an artist I felt constantly pressured - not just by others, but by myself, too - to have to justify my prices, and there's something very uncomfortable about that. And I'd get comments from both ends of the scale - people coming to my workshop for a day course would say 'I can't believe that I get to do this for only xxx pounds - you're so cheap!', whereas I had some contacting me to check whether my 'excessive' course fee was a misprint on the flyer! 🤣

Such a valuable post - the event looked absolutely beautiful, and your art and words are stunning!

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Thanks so much Rebecca and I really appreciate you taking the time to share your experiences too. It is such a common thing that artists have to deal with, and yet it can be hard to actually talk about. Thanks for your encouragement

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Melanie Chadwick

Thank you for sharing this and all the unseen details. I can definitely relate to all the pluses you mentioned about doing it again despite the end result in profit! Your selection and variety of work and price points shows your hard work and I agree that we as artists do so much better when we are aiming for something like this. I’d say yours was definitely a great success, just not a “Get rich quick scheme,” of any sort!! Lol

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Thanks Jennifer- I think that is really what this type of event does- gets you motivated to share and show your work. And that is a real positive!

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The get rich quick comment really made me laugh!!! This is a really interesting insight into the costs of an exhibition - thanks so much. I’ve just watched your YouTube video and it looked amazing all set up!

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Thanks louise- I know you have to laugh don't you!

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So interesting! Sure it's very helpful for artists who haven't done something like this. And an eye opener for those of us who pop in and browse...

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Thanks Steve for popping in here and leaving your thoughts. Appreciated!

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